
Single-molecule magnetic tweezers deliver magnetic force and torque to single target molecules, permitting the study of dynamic changes in biomolecular structures and their interactions. Because the magnetic tweezer setups can generate magnetic fields that vary slowly over tens of millimeters—far larger than the nanometer scale of the single molecule events being observed—this technique can maintain essentially constant force levels during biochemical experiments while generating a biologically meaningful force on the order of 1–100 pN. When using bead–tether constructs to pull on single molecules, smaller magnetic beads and shorter submicrometer tethers improve dynamic response times and measurement precision. In addition, employing high-speed cameras, stronger light sources, and a graphics programming unit permits true high-resolution single-molecule magnetic tweezers that can track nanometer changes in target molecules on a millisecond or even submillisecond time scale. The unique force-clamping capacity of the magnetic tweezer technique provides a way to conduct measurements under near-equilibrium conditions and directly map the energy landscapes underlying various molecular phenomena. High-resolution single-molecule magnetic tweezerscan thus be used to monitor crucial conformational changes in single-protein molecules, including those involved in mechanotransduction and protein folding.


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