
▪ Abstract 

Recent research trends of the preparation and characterization of highly efficient titanium oxide–based photocatalysts are reviewed on the basis of studies done in our laboratory. Special attention is focused on the preparation and characterization of active sites of highly dispersed titanium oxide species within mesoporous matrices and on titanium oxide–based binary catalysts such as Ti/Si and Ti/B oxides and unique visible light-responsive second-generation TiO photocatalysts prepared by an advanced metal-ion-implantation and RF magnetron sputtering deposition method. Highly dispersed titanium oxide species within mesoporous frameworks and titanium oxide–based binary catalysts exhibit high and unique photocatalytic activities for various reactions, such as the direct decomposition of NO. These species also have photo-induced superhydrophiric properties. It is of significance that visible light-responsive TiO photocatalysts can be applied to the decomposition of NO in air and the degradation of pollutants in water, as well as to the splitting of water under UV and visible light irradiation.


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  • Article Type: Review Article
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